The Yoga tradition was revealed to me mainly from its philosophical side. After completing my B.A psychology studies, I felt that the Ego-Personality part of ourselves is important and worthy and if so limited. I felt that there was another deep and significant part within ourselves that Western psychology for the most part does not deal with. Participating Vipassana retreats (meditation) in 2004, opened a door for me to the Eastern teachings, that I’m learning and deepening into since then.
In 2007 I went on a journey for almost a year in India, on a motorcycle with my partner.
We rode along India from south to north and back, traveling also in non-touristy areas, observing and embracing the culture, the energy, the perception, allowing India with all of its magic and wildness to be absorbed into us.
Since 2009 I’m a certified Yoga teacher, started with Ashtanga method. Within the years I have expanded my training to more methods, especially ‘Centered Yoga’ by Dona Holleman, Italy, which I was privileged to learn from intermittently over the last 4 years, as well as constantly continue learning the history and philosophy of the yoga tradition.
I teach Traditional Yoga, the practical and the philosophical aspects. Trying to understand it not just as a physical exercise, but as a whole perception.
In classes we work with some principles like: relaxation of body and mind, intent, the art of rooting, the center of gravity, aligning, breathing, elongating, and with philosophical traditional ideas like non-harming, morality, the subtle body, etc..
The lessons are based on Hatha yoga Asanas (postures) and Pranayama (breathing), emphasizing accuracy, understanding, meaning and tenderness.
Sagit své lekce vede v angličtině, ale věříme, že jsou pro každého. Jsme nadšeni, že můžeme přivítat takto zkušenou lektorku u nás ve studiu a věříme, že jazyk bude jen bonus navíc. Pokud tedy máte z angličtiny obavy, nemějte a přijďte zkusit

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